Skjeberg Golfklubb  (Tournament list)

Skjeberg Golfklubb, 28/05/2012

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Conditions and practical information
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The name of the tournament is Åpen Klubbturnering 28.5.

The tournament is held at Skjeberg Golfklubb on 28 May 2012 from 09:00 to 15:00.

Registration starts the 11 April 2012 at 00:00.
Registration deadline is on the 23 May 2012 at 18:00.

Tournament fee consist of membership and age.
  • For all players, which have the following status club member, if age is between 20 and 99 year, is tournament fee 130 NOK.
  • For all players, which have the following status club member (Junior 13-19 år ), if age is between 13 and 19 year, is tournament fee 100 NOK.
  • For all players, which have the following status not club member, if age is between 13 and 99 year, is tournament fee 400 NOK.

The tournament is a individual tournament.

There will be played in 3 groups divided by gender, player status and handicap.
  • The group with the name "A" is to all players with handicap between 0.0 and 11.4, regardless of gender and player status.
  • The group with the name "B" is to all players with handicap between 11.5 and 18.4, regardless of gender and player status.
  • The group with the name "C" is to all players with handicap between 18.5 and 54.0, regardless of gender and player status.

The tournament is an open tournament.

The tournament has handicap limitations divided by gender.
  • For ladies then handicap not higher than 54.0.
  • For men then handicap not higher than 54.0.

1st round will be played 28 May 2012.

There will be played on the course Skjeberg Golfklubb 2023.

The group "A" player strokeplay.
The group "B" player strokeplay.
The group "C" player stableford.

The group "A" player with full phcp.
The group "B" player with full phcp.
The group "C" player with full phcp.

There will be played over 18 holes.

There will be played from different tees used for gender and group.
  • All men In the group "A" must be played from 56 tee.
  • All men In the group "B" must be played from 53 tee.
  • All ladies In the group "C" must be played from 46 tee.
  • All ladies In the group "B" must be played from 46 tee.
  • All men In the group "C" must be played from 53 tee.
  • All ladies In the group "A" must be played from 53 tee.

With a tied result the positions are decided after lowest playing handicap, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.

Turneringskomiteen ønsker medlemmer og gjestespillere velkommen til Åpen klubbturnering

Kl. A Slagspill er spill om best totalresultat etter spill av den fastsatte runden eller rundene
Kl. B Slaggolf Spilles som slagkonkurranse, men hvor antall slag pr. hull er begrenset. Alle spillere får spille maksimalt fire (4) slag mer enn hullets par. Har spilleren ikke hullet ut etter disse slag, plukkes ballen opp og scoren noteres til hullets par + fem (5)
Kl. C Stableford form for slagspillkonkurranse hvor det spilles mot en fastsatt score på hvert hull.

Start kl. 09:00

Gjester betaler redusert greenfee + startavgift, totalt 400 kr.

Registrering og betaling foregår i proshopen

Vi har oppjustert startavgiften litt i år, men de går tilbake i form av bedre premiering til turneringene våre.

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