Skjeberg Golfklubb  (Tournament list)

Skjeberg Golfklubb, 19/08/2012

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Conditions and practical information
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The name of the tournament is NM Bedrift Greensome Lagturnering.

The tournament is held at Skjeberg Golfklubb on 19 August 2012 from 07:00 to 20:00.

Registration starts the 16 April 2012 at 00:00.
Registration deadline is on the 03 August 2012 at 18:00.

The tournament is a partner tournament.

Tournament is played in a single pair group.

The tournament is an open tournament.

Max. number of pairs are 70.

The tournament has handicap limitations divided by gender.
  • For ladies then handicap not higher than 36.0.
  • For men then handicap not higher than 36.0.

1st round will be played 19 August 2012.

There will be played on the course Skjeberg Golfklubb 2023.

There will be played greensome strokeplay with 3/8 phcp over 18 holes.

Playing with a maximum handicap allowance of 36.0.

There will be played from different tees used for gender.
  • All ladies must be played from 46 tee.
  • All men must be played from 53 tee.

With a tied result the positions are decided after lowest playing handicap, last 18, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.

Betaling av startavgifter:
For bedrifter sendes faktura
For de som skal betale selv, må det gjøres før 1. juli til bankkontonr. 1503,22,46386

Startavgift pr. lag: 1500,-

Bestilling av hotelrom på Quality Hotel & Resort:
Gjøres det på tlf. 69101500

Bankett: kr. 550,-

Innspill fredag 17/8: kr. 200,-, ellers vanlig greenfee.

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