Stiklestad Golfklubb  (Tournament list)

Stiklestad Golfklubb, 22/08/2010

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Conditions and practical information
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The name of the tournament is Stiklestad Junior Masters (B-Tour Trøndertour).

The tournament is held at Stiklestad Golfklubb on 22 August 2010 from 09:00 to 20:00.

Registration starts the 20 May 2010 at 00:00.
Registration deadline is on the 16 August 2010 at 12:00.

The tournament is a individual tournament.

There will be played in 5 groups divided by gender, handicap and age.
  • The group with the name "B-Tour gutter" is to men with handicap between +4.0 and 18.0, if age is between 11 and 19 year.
  • The group with the name "B-Tour jenter" is to ladies with handicap between +4.0 and 23.0, if age is between 11 and 19 year.
  • The group with the name "Trøndertour A" is to all players with handicap between 18.1 and 36.0, if age is between 11 and 19 year, regardless of gender.
  • The group with the name "Trøndertour B" is to all players with handicap between 37.0 and 54.0, if age is between 11 and 19 year, regardless of gender.
  • The group with the name "Trøndertour C" is to all players with handicap between +4.0 and 54.0, if age is between 0 and 10 year, regardless of gender.

The tournament is an open tournament.

There will be played 2 rounds.
  • The group "B-Tour gutter" player 2 roundr.
  • The group "B-Tour jenter" player 2 roundr.
  • The group "Trøndertour A" player 1 round.
  • The group "Trøndertour B" player 1 round.
  • The group "Trøndertour C" player 1 round.

  • Round 1 played on the 22 August 2010.
  • Round 2 played on the 22 August 2010.

There will be played on the course Stiklestad Golfklubb 18 Hullsbane.

There will be played strokeplay without handicap.

The group "B-Tour gutter" player 18 holes per round.
The group "B-Tour jenter" player 18 holes per round.
The group "Trøndertour A" player 18 holes per round.
The group "Trøndertour B" player 9 holes per round.

Playing with a maximum handicap allowance of 36.0.

There will be played from different tees used for gender and group.
  • All men In the group "B-Tour gutter" must be played from yellow tee.
  • All ladies In the group "B-Tour jenter" must be played from red tee.
  • All men In the group "Trøndertour A" must be played from yellow tee.
  • All ladies In the group "Trøndertour A" must be played from red tee.
  • All players In the group "Trøndertour B" must be played from red tee, regardless of gender.
  • All players In the group "Trøndertour C" must be played from red tee, regardless of gender.

With a tied result the positions are decided after last 18, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.

Tied 1st. place determined by sudden death playoff.

Competition Stableford Adjustment is used.

Turneringen spilles etter:
- Golfreglene
- NGFs generelle turneringsbestemmelser
- NGFs handicapbestemmelser
- NIFs bestemmelser om doping § 12
- NIFs bestemmelser om barneidrett
- NIFs straffebestemmelser § 11
- Lokale regler

Startkontigent for B Tour er kr. 250,- og for Trøndertour kr. 50,-.

Avmelding gjøres til arrangørklubben senest kl.12.00, to (2) dager før turneringen.

Ved uteblivelse fra B-Tour uten at det er gitt melding direkte til turneringsleder med gyldig grunn før start, faktureres spillerens hjemmeklubb dobbel startkontingent og spilleren får ikke starte i neste B Tour.

Startlistene offentliggjøres i Golfbox, normalt innen kl.12.00 dagen før turnering.

Spillerne har anledning til innspill dagen før turneringen uten greenfee.
Ledere som spiller med deltagere i innspillsrunde skal betale vanlig greenfee.

Se detaljerte bestemmelser hos NGF: http://www.golfforbundet.no/wip4/detail.epl?cat=6318

For øvrige spørsmål og bestilling av innspill ta kontakt med klubben på telefon 91826010

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