Sunnfjord Golfklubb  (Turneringsliste)

Sunnfjord Golfklubb, 21.07.2007


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Turneringens navn er Golf utan grenser - Flagg.

Turneringen avholdes i Sunnfjord Golfklubb den lørdag 21. juli 2007.

Påmelding begynner torsdag 12. juli 2007 kl. 00:00.
Siste påmeldingsfrist er lørdag 21. juli 2007 kl. 17:30.

Startkontingent er 50 NOK per deltager.

Turneringen er en singleturnering.

Det spilles i en samlet klasse

Turneringen er en åpen turnering.

Det spilles 1 runde den lørdag 21. juli 2007.

Det spilles på banen Sunnfjord Golfklubb 2025.

Det spilles slagkonkurranse med fullt sh over 18 hull.

Det spilles fra forskjellige utslagssteder oppdelt på kjønn.
  • Alle damer skal spille fra rød utslagssted.
  • Alle herrer skal spille fra gul utslagssted.

Ved lik score avgjøres plasseringer etter laveste spillehandicap, siste 9, siste 6, siste 3 og siste hull.

Flags is a competition format in which golfers begin the round with an allotment of strokes, then play the course until their strokes run out.
The game gets its name from the fact that little flags are usually given to competitors to stick in the ground at the point at which their final shot is played.

The golfer who stakes his flag the farthest around the course is the winner. Example: Your allotment is 75 strokes. You play the course until you hit your 75th shot, which, let's say, comes on the 16th fairway. That's where you plant your flag. If no other player's flag is planted beyond yours - say, on the 16th green or 17th tee box - you are the winner.

Flags can be played using full handicaps or partial handicaps to determine the stroke allotment. A player with a handicap of 21, for example, receives 93 strokes on a par-72 course if full handicaps are used (72 plus 21).

Using full handicaps often means that several golfers will reach the end of 18 holes with strokes left; those golfers would go back to No. 1 and keep playing. Alternately, all players with strokes remaining can stop after 18 and the golfer with the most strokes remaining is the winner.

Using partial handicaps, especially two-thirds, usually means that nearly all players will use up their strokes before completing 18 holes.

If players are tied - a number of players make it to the 17th green or 18th fairway, for example - closest to the hole wins.

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