Sunnfjord Golfklubb  (Mótalisti)

Sunnfjord Golfklubb, 20.6.2007


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Heiti mótsins er Golf utan grenser - Bingo Bango Bongo.

Mótið er haldið á Sunnfjord Golfklubb þann miðvikudagur, 20. júní 2007.

Skráning hefst þann þriðjudagur, 12. júní 2007 kl. 00:00.
Lokadagur skráningar er þann miðvikudagur, 20. júní 2007 kl. 17:30.

Mótsgjaldið er 50 NOK á hverja leikmenn.

Mótið er einstaka mót.

Spilað verður í einum hóp

Mótið er opið mót.

1. umferð verður spiluð miðvikudagur, 20. júní 2007.

Spilað verður á vellinum Sunnfjord Golfklubb 2023.

Spilað verður höggleikur án forgjafar yfir 9 holur.

Spilað verður frá mismunandi teigar notaðir fyrir kyn.
  • Allt konur verður að spila frá rauður teigur.
  • Allt karlar verður að spila frá gulur teigur.

Þegar úrslit eru jöfn eru stöðurnar ákvarðaðar eftir síðustu 6, síðustu 3 og síðasta hola.

Jafnt í 1. sæti er ákvarðað af lokaúrslit í bráðabana.

Bingo Bango Bongo is a points-based game that can be played by any number of players, from two up.
In Bingo Bango Bongo, three types of achievements are rewarded with a point. The first player in a group to get his ball on the green gets a point (bingo). The player in the group whose ball is closest to the pin once all balls are on the green gets a point (bango). And the player in the group who is first to hole out gets a point (bongo).

Add up the points at the end of the game, high points wins.

Bingo Bango Bongo gives weaker players a chance to earn points because what matters is being first at something. For example, all members of the group tee off on a par-4. The player who hit the worst drive (farthest from the hole) plays first, and so has the first shot at winning the bingo point.

So, too, with closest to the pin.

The best players in the group are likely to be on the green in two (or three on a par-5), while the weakest players might be chipping. The closest-to-the-pin point is only earned once all balls are on the green, so the player who has hacked it up the fairway may be sitting just off the green and chipping - giving that player a great chance to pick up the bango point.
Because of these factors (and because the first person putting will be the one farthest from the hole), strict etiquette must be enforced. The player who is away always plays first.

For a variation, throw into the mix that any player winning all three points on a hole wins double points.

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