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The name of the tournament is Kongsvingers GK - "Taiga Tour 1".
The tournament sponsor is Norsk Senior Golf.
The tournament is held at Liermoen, Sigernessjøen on Thursday, August 1, 2013 from 10:00 to 16:00.
Registration starts on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 07:00. Registration deadline is on Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 16:00.
Tournament fee is 100 NOK per players.
Greenfee is 275 NOK per players.
The tournament is a individual tournament.
This will be played in 6 flights divided by handicap.
The flight with the name "1" is to all players with handicap between 0.0 and 8.9.
The flight with the name "2" is to all players with handicap between 9.0 and 11.9.
The flight with the name "3" is to all players with handicap between 12.0 and 15.9.
The flight with the name "4" is to all players with handicap between 16.0 and 19.9.
The flight with the name "5" is to all players with handicap between 20.0 and 27.9.
The flight with the name "6" is to all players with handicap between 28.0 and 36.0.
The tournament is a closed tournament for members of Norsk Senior Golf.
Max. number of players is 123.
The tournament has a waiting list sorted by "first come - first serve" principle.
The tournament has handicap limitations divided by gender.
For ladies then handicap not higher than 36.0.
For men then handicap not higher than 36.0.
1st round will be played Thursday, August 1, 2013.
This will be played on the course Kongsvingers Golfbane.
This will be played stroke play.
The flight "1" player without handicap. The flight "2" player without handicap. The flight "3" player without handicap. The flight "4" player without handicap. The flight "5" player with full hcp. The flight "6" player with full hcp.
This will be played over 18 holes.
Playing with a maximum handicap allowance of 36.0.
This will be played from different tees used for gender.
All ladies must play from red tee.
All men must play from yellow tee.
Decision if tie score has different settings per flight.
For the flight "1" winner, if tie score, is determined by last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
For the flight "2" winner, if tie score, is determined by last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
For the flight "3" winner, if tie score, is determined by last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
For the flight "4" winner, if tie score, is determined by last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
For the flight "5" winner, if tie score, is determined by lowest playing handicap, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
For the flight "6" winner, if tie score, is determined by lowest playing handicap, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
1. Spilleform: Slaggolf - Max antall slag: Hullets Par + 5 slag
2. NGFs Introduksjonskort er ikke tillatt benyttet
3. Avstandsmåler er tillatt
4. Greenfee: kr. 275,- - startavgift kr. 100,-
5. Klubben har 3 disponible golfbiler, kr 300,- pr stk.
6. Løpende start parallelt fra tee 1 og tee 10, fra kl. 10:00, med 10 min. startintervall, og 4 spillere i hver gruppe.
8. OBS - Ekstra premiering. "Plakett med inskripsjon fra Norsk Senior Golf", samt premiesjekk pålydende kr. 500,-, til de to spillerne som "Brutto" og "Netto" har beste resultat sammenlagt fra tre av de fire turneringene på "Taiga Touren", 1., 2., 3. og 4. august. Kongsvingers GK, Elverum GK, Sorknes GK og Atlungstad GK. Nytt av året, samme spiller kan ikke vinne både brutto og netto, dersom det skjer, går premien for beste brutto til denne spilleren, mens vinner av beste netto blir den som er blitt nr. 2 i beste netto. Sammenlagt resultatene kan avleses kontinuerlig etter 3 dagers spill, på Golfbox under Order Of Merit.
9. Det vil være mulig å kjøpe varm lunsj med tilbehør etter runden.
10. Det er innhentet tilbud på overnatting på nye Rica Elgstua Hotel, Trondheimsvegen 9, 2406 Elverum. - Overnatting i enkeltrom m/frokost fra torsdag 1. august til fredag 2. august, kr. 1095,- inkludert greenfee på Elverum GK. - Overnatting i enkeltrom m/frokost fra fredag 2. august til lørdag 3. august, kr. 895,- - Overnatting i enkeltrom m/frokost fra lørdag 3. august til søndag 4. august, kr. 795,-(kr. 100,- i rabatt) - Tilbud på 3-retters middag i hotellets restaurant kr. 395,- eller spis tradisjonsmat i Elgstua kafe. - Ved bestilling husk å oppgi bookingkode "SENIORGOLF", tlf.: 62 43 10 10, E post:
- Avstander fra Rica Elgstua Hotel til; Konsgsvingers Golfbane ca. 100 km - 90 min., Elverum Golfbane ca. 12 km - 15 min., Sorknes Golfbane ca. 36 km - 30 min. og Atlungstad Golfbane ca. 32 km - 33 min.
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