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The name of the tournament is Østmarka Open (Region Tour).
The tournament is held at Østmarka Golfklubb from Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 08:00 to Sunday, July 1, 2012 at 12:00.
Registration starts on Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 00:00. Registration deadline is on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 23:59.
Tournament fee consists of membership.
For all players, which have the following status club member, is tournament fee 250 NOK.
For all players, which have the following status not club member, is tournament fee 600 NOK.
The tournament is a individual tournament.
This will be played in 2 flights divided by handicap.
The flight with the name "Klasse A Region tour" is to all players with handicap between +4.0 and 14.0.
The flight with the name "Klasse B" is to all players with handicap between 14.1 and 36.0.
The tournament ia an open tournament.
Max. number of players is 108.
The tournament has a waiting list sorted by lowest handicap.
The tournament has handicap limitations divided by gender.
For ladies then handicap not higher than 36.0.
For men then handicap not higher than 36.0.
This will be played 2 rounds.
Round 1 played on the Saturday, June 30, 2012.
Round 2 played on the Sunday, July 1, 2012.
This will be played on the course Østmarka.
This will be played stroke play.
The flight "Klasse A Region tour" player without handicap. The flight "Klasse B" player with full hcp.
This will be played over 36 holes.
Playing with a maximum handicap allowance of 36.0.
This will be played from different tees used for gender.
All ladies must play from red tee.
All men must play from yellow tee.
Decision if tie score has different settings per flight.
For the flight "Klasse A Region tour" winner, if tie score, is determined by last 18, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
For the flight "Klasse B" winner, if tie score, is determined by lowest playing handicap, last 18, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
Position is tied in case of equal scores.
Tied 1st. place determined by sudden death playoff.
Cut will be used
The flight "Klasse A Region tour" have cut by the 46 best + equal after round 1.
The flight "Klasse B" have cut by the 13 best + equal after round 1.
Det er åpent for innspill fredag 29 juni. Greenfee for innspill er kroner 200,-
Det spilles om 2 kvalifiseringsplasser til NC på Miklagaard 7-8 juli (herrer)
Klasse A og klasse B har CUT etter runde 1. Cutgrense er de 2/3 beste og like resultater
Det settes opp en bil som premie i klasse A, vinneren kan kjøre rundt i en leiebil for ei uke Se bilder av bilen Det er i tillegg premie til "Beste dame" i klasse A.
Klasse B spiller slaggolf (max score er hullets par + 5)
Spillere påmeldt i klasse B med HCP opp til og med 18,0 som ønsker å spille i klasse "A Region tour" skriver dette i kommentarfeltet i påmeldingen.
Likt resultat for beste score i klasse A avgjøres med omspill på hull 18, sudden death til det kåres en vinner.
Turneringen spilles etter: - Golfreglene - NGFs generelle turneringsbestemmelser - Turneringsbestemmelser for Region tour - EGA Handicap System - NIFs bestemmelser om doping § 12 - NIFs bestemmelser om barneidrett - NIFs straffebestemmelser § 11 - Lokale regler for Østmarka GK