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Definition and practical information
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The name of the tournament is SGK Open.
The tournament is held at Stavanger Golfklubb on Saturday, August 6, 2011 from 09:00 to 15:00.
Registration starts on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 00:00. Registration deadline is on Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 12:00.
Tournament fee consists of age.
For all players, if age is between 20 and 99 years, is tournament fee 100 NOK.
For all players, if age is between 12 and 18 years, is tournament fee 70 NOK.
Greenfee is 300 NOK per players.
The tournament is a team tournament.
This will be played in a total team flight.
Every team must be set up by 4 players.
In addition individual players play in 3 flights.
The flight with the name "A" is to all players.
The flight with the name "B" is to all players.
The flight with the name "C" is to all players.
Equal sized flights are calculated based on handicap
The tournament ia an open tournament.
The tournament has handicap limitations divided by gender.
For ladies then handicap not higher than 36.0.
For men then handicap not higher than 36.0.
1st round will be played Saturday, August 6, 2011.
This will be played on the course Stavanger Golfklubb 24.
This will be played stableford with full hcp over 18 holes.
Playing with a maximum handicap allowance of 36.0.
This will be played from different tees used for gender.
All ladies must play from red tee.
All men must play from yellow tee.
The 2 best individual scores per hole is counting towards the team score
With a tied result the positions are decided by lowest playing handicap, lowest handicap, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.
Competition Stableford Adjustment is used.
TurneringsansvarliG: LARS VINJE MOBIL/SMS: 476 79 276 DAG MØRENSKOG MOBIL/SMS: 909 21 340
Turneringen er satt opp med shotgunstart kl. 10.00.
Det er individuell påmelding og TK vil sette sammen lagene. Det er anledning til å komme med ønske om spillepartnere og evt. foreslå lagsammensetningen
Obs! Det vil i tillegg til lagturneringen være en singelturnering med premiering i tre klasser.
Startkontingent kr. 100.-. Det vil bli premieutdeling umiddelbart (så fort det lar seg gjøre) etter innkomst. Et enkelt måltid vil bli spandert i forbindelse med premieutdelingen. Greenfee kr. 300.- kommer i tillegg til startkontingent for ikke medlemmer.